10+ HomeMade Skin glow tricks

Our Skin color is created by special cells called melanocytes, which produce the important pigment melanin. Melanocytes are located in the epidermis of skin.The epidermis is the outermost layer of skin which provides a waterproof barrier and create our skin tone.Your skin is the window to your body that reveals the stories of your life.
Some unprotected sun exposure and washing too frequently or with water that is too hot can damage your skin. An unhealthy diet, stress, a lack of sleep,dehydration, smoking, and particular medications can make huge impact on the skin.

 1.Drink Water 

Skin cells of human body are like any other cell in the body.these cells are made of water so they must be given water regularly will help them to stay healthy.

If you are not drinking enough water your skin can become dry which looks unpleasant and also feels itchy, flaky and uncomfortable.

When our skin cells are properly hydrated they swell and become soft.


lemon face scrub can be beneficial to solve skin related problems such acne, age spots, skin discoloration. A lemon scrub, which can easily be made at home, will also contain vitamin C which has very good antioxidant properties believed to fend off free radicals.

Vitamin C is very helpful vitamin in order to protch our skin from sun damage.The purpose behind any face scrub is to slough away dead skin cells by massaging.

Homemade lemon face scrub at home is quite simple and inexpensive which is certainly another benefit.


Honey is  amazing gift from the  nature known to be healthy for both the exterior of your body and its interior. Honey is used in a wide variety of situations.Honey will give you a healthy and fresh look due to its antibacterial and antioxidant properties.honey is the effective part of homemade beauty treatments.

You need to sit for 15 minutes and then rinse well with cool water. The result will be a glowing skin.honey will help moisturize, exfoliate, relief sunburn and fight acne and pimples.One of the main reasons honey is often used as a base ingredient for most beauty products on the market is because it will moisturize the skin.

Very few people know that honey can also be used to cleanes pores and remove blackheads becasue its antibacterial and antiseptic properties, it will help rid your skin of unwanted blackheads by cleaning the pores.


Almond oil contains antioxidants which are very helpful to enhance the skin and making it look flawless. Its hypoallergenic properties make it suitable for sensitive skin as well..Almods are rich in certain nutrients including Vitamin E, calcium, potassium, fiber and healthy unsaturated fats that boost natural beauty.

Almonds have SkinLightening property which naturally bleaches skin with its skin lightening properties. Use of almond powder or almond flour as a facial mask to get its skin lightening benefits.

Almond face pack: take ¼ cup of almond powder in an air tight jar.Enhance it by mixing in 4 drops of lavender essential oil. take 1 tsp of the powder on your palms mix it with a little water to form a milky paste then rub  it all over your face keeping your eyes shut tight. Rinse off well with tepid water. Pat dry with a towel then tone and moisturize your face as usual.

5.Green Tea

The antioxidants and nutrients of green  have powerful effects on the body. Polyphenols are micronutrients that we get from plant based foods. Green tea has natural polyphenols that support the human body normal detox system. The polyphenols work in two ways they have a direct impact on your liver the body's major detox organ, and they are antioxidants that fight free radicals.

The Antioxidants work to prevent the human body version of rust and thus help to keep us young and protect us from damage from pollution. green tea helps us to keep the immune system strong after injuries or illnesses thanks to its antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties.

Green tea can drink with hot and cold water you can also use ice.green tea have higher antioxidants than black tea which makes it a favourite for people.  


The bright yellow coloured loaded with  an active antiseptic quality that plays an important role in providing a wide range of impressive perks for your beauty and skin

The use of turmeric in our daily day to day life helps to cure various skin related issues like ageing, sun tan, wrinkles, cracked feet.The goodness of anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric function well on pores and soothes the skin. It also lowers scarring and heals wound at a very faster rate, thanks to its antiseptic qualities.

The active compound curcumin in turmeric promotes the secretions of antioxidants that protect skin cells from free radical damage and lowers signs of premature ageing such as dark spots, pigmentation, and wrinkles.This wonder spice is a natural remedy for acne and pimples because of its strong anti-bacterial properties. It aids in combating acne-causing bacteria by removing excess oil. 

Take 1 teaspoon of turmeric with 2 teaspoons of sandalwood powder and milk to make a fine paste apply it all over your face and let it dry. Rinse well with cold water and repeat it regularly for a naturally glowing skin.

7.Sweet Potato

Sweet potatoes are an good source of beta carotene which is an antioxidant that turns later into vitamin A in the body. sweet potato also have vitamin C which is both an antioxidant and vital in the production of collagen. Collagen is the main component in the skin and other connective tissues, including hair and nails. Antioxidants protect the skin from free radicals and vitamin A deficiency which is a huge reason for dull, dry skin.

One 1/2-cup serving (100 grams) of baked sweet potato contains enough beta-carotene to provide nearly four times  daily intake of vitamin A.

In addition to their vitamins and antioxidants, they have a relatively low glycemic index, which helps maintain a steady insulin level and avoid the pimply dangers associated with hormonal imbalance.

8.Orange Juice

Drinking orange juice is said to bring a radiant glow to your skin and provide other skin benefits as well. Drinking OJ will help to hydrate skin and keep it firm. Using this juice as a topical treatment does wonders for the skin as well. It cleans out and tightens clogged pores and is believed to prevent wrinkles and fine lines. Orange juice is also a great natural remedy for treating sunburns

Orange juice is the excellent source of vitamin C and fulfills the entire day requirement of vitamin C in just one serving. It is tasty and delicious with full of medicinal as well as health benefits. Orange juice is known for many minerals such as magnesium, potassium, Vitamin B6, beta carotene, calcium, folic acid, and having low fats and no cholesterol.

Calcium in oranges ensures strong teeth and bone. It is also supports to maintain a healthy blood pressure level. Calcium in oranges also assists for a healthy muscle function. Carotenoids in oranges act as powerful antioxidants against harmful radicals that can damage cells. A daily glass of orange juice can help prevent the reappearance of kidney stones better than other citrus fruit juices such as lemonade.


Spinach is having high  antioxidants, calcium, iron, vitamin C, Vitamin E, and beta-carotene. which  helps you reduce the damage caused by the free radicals in your body, thereby keeping it  healthy and cancer-free.

Spniach helps in getting healthy skin if you are suffering from skin related problems. Beta-carotene in spinach helps in repairing the cells in your skin and prevents aging. not only it helps you skin and is anti aging but keeps your immunity healthy .

The fiber it contains also promotes satiety and may help manage diabetes. Calcium promotes bone health, and lutein and zeaxanthin improve vision.


Tomatoes contain a good level of lycopene. This is very useful in improving one’s complexion and also in acting as a sunscreen. Tomatoes and mentioned before makes one look younger and more beautiful. It also contains Vitamin C, Vitamin A and very rich antioxidants that help prevent acne. So tomatoes with sugar have various benefits that will make one’s skin not only glow but make it smoother.

Tomato is also called as the Poor Man’s Apple. It is a rich source of antioxidants that ward off free radicals that cause unsightly fine lines and deep wrinkles. You can start adding cherry tomatoes to your daily garden salad to get beautiful skin from within.

Tomatoes contain bleaching properties that help brighten your skin while improving skin texture, lighten dark spots or skin imperfections.Aside from its acidic nature tomato contains a high amount of salicylic acid which is a basic ingredient in acne products. This enzyme helps to gently exfoliate the skin and a great way to unclog pores and get rid of blackheads.
